A true DeFi revolution
The lending market has been and remains one of the major drivers in DeFi. Hundreds of projects exist and are created on a daily basis trying to build a sustainable ecosystem balancing lending and staking.
TheToken.Network is proud to include a completely new aspect by using your crypto assets to finance your real world needs while not having to sell your precious crypto. Many of us in the crypto community know the moment when a certain financial need arises and you have to decide if you sell parts or all of your accumulated crypto. TheToken.Network will now offer upon the launch of its beta platform that you can use your crypto as collateral for the purchase of a financed vehicle. Many other use cases, especially in real estate, will follow with the development of TheToken.Network.
So how does this work? Let's assume you would like to purchase a BMW X6 from the TTN Car pool valued at €55.000 and depending on your credit profile would normally have to provide a down payment of €11.000 in order to be eligible for the most advantageous financing tier. Instead of paying the down payment in $TTN worth €11.000, you could also collateralize 0.5 BTC replacing your mandatory down payment while still taking advantage of the best available financing tier. Once you have fulfilled your agreed financing terms and have paid of the vehicle, it becomes your property and you receive your collateralized 0.5 BTC back. And the beauty of it, there is 0% interest for using this service! While there are platforms which would loan FIAT for your crypto, you would be subjected to interest as well as a high collateral value.
TheToken.Network plans to implement the use case of FIAT for crypto without the need to sell in many other areas as well during Q2–2020. For more information contact TheToken.Network via:
Telegram https://t.me/TTNCHAT
email: contact@thetoken.network